The truth and three facts about the blue green algae blooms in Biloxi Mississippi.
If you look at the red lines in the photo you will see the beach is only closed at the water line. Biloxi offers awesome fishing in September, October so here are the facts.
Fact – 1
The algae bloom is only affecting the water near the beach. The Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ), is only checking the water less than knee deep near the shore.
Fact – 2
Charter boats, local fisherman or even tourists never fish from the beach or the shoreline. The water is not deep enough to fish near the Biloxi beach.
Fact – 3
The warnings about not eating the fish are not entirely true. Fish will not be in the algae bloom areas. There will be less oxygen in that water because it’s hot and it’s stagnant. So in reality the fish have always been good to eat. There have been no advisories to charter boats to not eat or keep any fish.
We fish in areas that’s not affected or has not ever been affected by the blue green algae. The fact is the water we fish has tide flow. Blue green algae tends to build where the water is stagnant and does not move.
If you have put off your Biloxi charter fishing trip for September October because of the recent news, it’s time to get on board cast a line and have some fun. The redfish have been here in extremely large numbers this year. This has been one of the best Summers for redfish! This can only mean that September and October or going to be just as good.
By this time September and October are usually booked up by now. With the recent news of the blue green algae it has left us with a lot of availability.
According to reports the MDEQ will be issuing the all-clear very soon. I will expect at that time the booking will fill up. With that said don’t waste any time get ahead of the game, book your trip today!